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WAN Documentation

Description: OpenSS7 Project Library Transport WAN

A PDF version of this document is available here.

Wide Area Network Interface

Wide Area Network Interface

1 Introduction

The Wide Area Network (WAN) Interface was developed by Spider Systems, Ltd., (now a division of Emerson Power) and is widely available on many platforms. For example, AIX AIXlink/X.25, HP-UX HP X.25/9000, Solaris Solstice X.25 and SunLink X.25, IRIX IRIS SX.25, PT X.25, RadiSys WAN and SBE X.25 implement the Wide Area Newtork (WAN) Interface.

The Wide Area Network (WAN) Inteface was designed to be used directly with standard STREAMS system calls and does not require the use of a cooperating user space shared library. Applications program directly use the getmsg(2s), getpmsg(2), putmsg(2s) and putpmsg(2) system calls.1 Nevertheless, user shared object libraries can easily be constructed using this STREAMS service primitive interface.

The system header files that must be included when compiling user applications, or STREAMS drivers and modules that use the interface, are detailed in WAN Header Files.

A user library, libcdiapi, is provided, not for interfacing to the message primitive service interface, but for providing various helper functions when using the STREAMS service interface. This library is detailed in WAN Library.

2 Model of the WAN Layer

X.25 Overview

Figure 1. X.25 Overview

3 WAN Services

3.1 WAN Commands

3.2 WAN Data Structures

4 WAN Message Primitives

The /usr/include/strx25/sys/snet/wan_proto.h header file (<sys/snet/wan_proto.h> with proper compile flags) contains definitions and declarations of primitive structures and field values.

The WAN_primitives union is formatted as follows:

     union WAN_primitives {
         uint8_t wan_type;
         struct wan_sid wsid;
         struct wan_reg wreg;
         struct wan_ctl wctl;
         struct wan_msg wmsg;
         struct wan_nty wnty;

The WAN_primitives union contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure contained in the M_PROTO message block. Always one of the following values:

WAN_SID The contained structure is a wan_sid structure.
WAN_REG The contained structure is a wan_reg structure.
WAN_CTL The contained structure is a wan_ctl structure.
WAN_DAT The contained structure is a wan_msg structure.
WAN_NTY The contained structure is a wan_nty structure.

The structure of the primitive when wan_type is WAN_SID.

See WAN_SID - Set Subnetwork Identifier.

The structure of the primitive when wan_type is WAN_REG.

See WAN_REG - Register Subnetwork Identifier.

The structure of the primitive when wan_type is WAN_CTL.

See WAN_CTL - Control.

The structure of the primitive when wan_type is WAN_DAT.

See WAN_DAT - Data.

The structure of the primitive when wan_type is WAN_NTY.

See WAN_NTY - Notify.

These primitive types are described in detail in the sections that follow.

4.1 WAN_SID - Set Subnetwork Identifier

Requests that the WAN driver assign the specified subnetwork identifier to the Stream and associate the Stream with the underlying device identified by the subnetwork identifier. This primitive is equivalent to the CD_ATTACH_REQ(7) primitive of the cdi(7).


The primitive consists of one M_PROTO message block containing a wan_sid structure. The wan_sid structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wan_sid {
         uint8_t wan_type;
         uint8_t wan_spare[3];
         uint32_t wan_snid;


The wan_sid structure contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure contained in the M_PROTO message block. Always WAN_SID.
Spare bytes for alignment: ignored by the responder and set to zero by the initiator.
Conveys the subnetwork identifier. Equivalent to the Physical Point of Attachment (PPA) of the WAN interface.


Should an error occur, an M_ERROR message is sent upstream with an appropriate error code, resulting in the failure of all system calls on the Stream until closed. The WAN_SID primitive may fail when:

The specified wan_snid is unknown or invalid.
The M_PROTO message block is of an incorrect length for the primitive.
The wan_snid specified is in use by another Stream.
The wan_snid member contains invalid information.
The physical channel referenced by the wan_snid is in use by another Stream.
The s_wan module, or underlying CDI driver lacks the STREAMS resources necessary to satisfy the request.
The WAN_SID primitive was issued from an incorrect state for the subnetwork entity.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

4.2 WAN_REG - Register Subnetwork Identifier

Registers the subnetwork identifier specified in the wan_snid field of the primitive. Once a subnetwork entity has been registered, it cannot be tuned or otherwise altered unless disabled with W_DISABLE.2 This primitive is used by management applications to place subnetwork entities into service.


The primitive consists of one M_PROTO message block containing a wan_reg structure. The wan_reg structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wan_reg {
         uint8_t wan_type;
         uint8_t wan_spare[3];
         uint32_t wan_snid;


The wan_reg structure contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure contained in the M_PROTO message block. Always WAN_REG.
Spare bytes for alignment: ignored by the responder and set to zero by the initiator.
Conveys the subnetwork identifier. Equivalent to the Physical Point of Attachment (PPA) of the WAN interface.


Should an error occur, an M_ERROR message is sent upstream with an appropriate error code, resulting in the failure of all system calls on the Stream until closed. The WAN_REG primitive may fail when:

The specified wan_snid is unknown or invalid.
The M_PROTO message block is of an incorrect length for the primitive.
There exists a hardware configuration error for the specified wan_snid.
The physical channel referenced by the wan_snid is in use by another Stream.
The WAN_REG primitive was issued from an incorrect state for the subnetwork entity.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.
There was insufficient memory immediately available to register the subnetwork identity.
The maximum receive buffer size is too small to hold the largest frame required by the device.

4.3 WAN_CTL - Control

This primitive class consists of four primitives used to enable or disable the WAN interface. These primitives are equivalent to the CD_ENABLE_REQ(7), CD_ENABLE_CON(7), CD_DISABLE_REQ(7), CD_DISABLE_CON(7), and the CD_ERROR_IND(7) primitives of the cdi(7).


The WAN_CTL primitives consist of one M_PROTO message block containing a wan_ctl structure. The wan_ctl structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wan_ctl {
         uint8_t wan_type;
         uint8_t wan_command;
         uint8_t wan_remtype;
         uint8_t wan_remsize;
         uint8_t wan_remaddr[20];
         uint8_t wan_status;
         uint8_t wan_diag;


The WC_CONNECT command is valid from the WAN user to the WAN driver; or from the WAN driver to the WAN user. Fields wan_remtype, wan_remsize and wan_remaddr are significant, wan_status and wan_diag are ignored.

This WC_CONCNF command is valid when sent from the WAN driver to the WAN user; or from the WAN user to the WAN driver. Fields wan_status and wan_diag are significant, wan_remtype, wan_remsize and wan_remaddr are ignored.

This WC_DISC command is valid when sent from the WAN user to the WAN driver; or from the WAN driver to the WAN user. All fields are ignored.

This WC_DISCCNF command is valid when sent from the WAN driver to the WAN user; or from the WAN user to the WAN driver. Fields wan_status and wan_diag are significant, wan_remtype, wan_remsize and wan_remaddr are ignored.


The wan_ctl structure contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure contained in the M_PROTO message block. Always WAN_CTL.
Conveys the WAN command. This field may assume one of the following values:

WC_CONNECT The primitive is a connect request or indication.
WC_CONCNF The primitive is a connect confirmation.
WC_DISC The primitive is a disconnect request of indication.
WC_DISCCNF The primitive is a disconnect confirmation.

When significant, conveys the type of the remote address. This field may have one of the following values:
The wan_remaddr field contains ASCII coded digits. The wan_remsize field contains the number of digits (in octets).
The wan_remaddr field contains BCD encoded digits. The wan_remsize field contains the number of digits (in semi-octets).

This field is only significant in the WC_CONNECT primitive, and for devices that have call procedural definitions. Otherwise, the field is set to zero (0).

When significant, conveys the length of the remote address in digits (either octets or semi-octets depending on the wan_remtype member).

This field is only significant in the WC_CONNECT primitive, and for devices that have call procedural definitions. Otherwise, the field is set to zero (0).

When significant, conveys the remote address. The address contianed in this field is either represented as ASCII digits or BCD encoded digits, depending on the value of the wan_remtype field. This field is only significant in the WC_CONNECT primitive.

This field is only significant in the WC_CONNECT primitive, and for devices that have call procedural definitions. Otherwise, the field is set to null.

When significant, provides the status for the WC_CONCNF or WC_DISCCNF command. This field can assume one of the following values:
The preceding WC_CONNECT or WC_DISC command was unsuccessful. The link remains in the disconnected or connected state as the case may be.
The preceding WC_CONNECT or WC_DISC command was successful. The link moves to the connected or disconnected state as the case may be.

This field is only significant in the WC_CONCNF and WC_DISC primitives.

When significant and the status field is WAN_FAIL, provides diagnostic information concerning the failure. This field is only significant in the WC_CONCNF and WC_DISCCNF primitives when failure is indicated.


The WC_DISCCNF command is only valid in response to a preceding and corresponding WC_DISC command from the opposite direction. The WC_DISC and WC_DISCCNF commands are valid during the connecting, data transfer, or disconnecting phases.

The WC_CONCNF command is only valid in response to a preceding and corresponding WC_CONNECT command from the opposite direction. The WC_CONNECT and WC_CONCNF commands are valid during the idle or connecting phases.


Should an error occur, an M_PROTO message is sent upstream with an appropriate error code, resulting in the failure of all system acalls on the Stream until closed. The WAN_CTL primitive may fail when:

The M_PROTO message block is of an incorrect length for the primitive, or the wan_command is invalid.
The underlying device driver has encountered a fatal error.
The WAN_CTL primitive was issued form an incorrect state for the subnetwork entity.
The maximum receive buffer size is too small to hold the largest frame required by the device.


When sent from the WAN user, the WC_CONNECT command corresponds to the CD_ENABLE_REQ(7) primitive of the cdi(7). When sent from the WAN driver, the primitive has no corresponding primitive. When from the WAN driver, WC_CONCNF corresponds to CD_ENABLE_CON(7). When from the WAN user, WC_CONCNF has no corresponding primitive.

When to the WAN driver, WC_DISC corresponds to CD_DISABLE_REQ(7). When from the WAN driver to the WAN user, WC_DISC corresponds to CD_ERROR_IND(7). When from the WAN driver, WC_DISCCNF corresponds to CD_DISABLE_CON(7). When to the WAN driver, WC_DISCCNF has no corresponding primitive.


Some implementations ignore all of the parameter fields of the wan_ctl structure other than wan_type and wan_command, as is normally the case for WAN_NONE: no call procedural definitions.

4.4 WAN_DAT - Data

This primitive class provides two primitives for the transfer of data across the service interface. Attached M_DATA message blocks contain user data.


The WAN_DAT primitive contains a wan_msg structure. The primitive consists of one M_PROTO message block followed by one or more M_DATA message blocks containing user data. The M_PROTO message block is structured as follows:

     struct wan_msg {
         uint8_t wan_type;
         uint8_t wan_command;


The WC_TX command specifies that the user data in the associated M_DATA message blocks consist of data for transmission.

The WC_RX command indicates that the user data in the associated M_DATA message blocks consist of received data.


The wan_msg structure contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure contained in the M_PROTO message block. Always WAN_DAT.
Conveys the WAN command. This field may assume one of the following values:
Specifies that the user data in the associated M_DATA message blocks consist of data for transmission.
Indicates that the user data in the associated M_DATA message blocks consist of received data.


The WAN_DAT primitive may be issued by WAN user or WAN driver in the data transfer phase.


Should an error condition occur, an M_ERROR message is sent upstream with an appropriate error code, resulting in the failure of all system calls on the Stream until closed. The WAN_DAT primitive may fail when:

The M_PROTO message block is of an incorrect length for the primitive.
The underlying device driver has encountered a fatal error.
The WAN_DAT primitive was issued from an incorrect state for the subnetwork entity.
The maximum receive buffer size is too small to hold the largest frame required by the device.


These primitives are equivalent to the CD_UNITDATA_REQ(7) and CD_UNITDATA_IND(7) primitives of the cdi(7). The WC_TX primitive, issued by the WAN user, is equivalent to the CD_UNITDATA_REQ(7) primitive; the WC_RX, issued by the WAN driver, the CD_UNITDATA_IND(7).


Some implementations provide additional wan_command values with hardware- or implementation-specific fields. Some implementations also define a structure for the initial portion of the M_DATA block that contains media- or hardware-specific fields.

4.5 WAN_NTY - Notify

Registers for or provide notification of events for the wan_snid field of the primitive. When passed to the WAN driver, the primitive requests that the WAN driver record the events for which notification is to be given. When passed to the WAN user, the primitive notifies of a triggered event. This primitive corresponds to the CD_MODEM_SIG_IND(7) and CD_ERROR_IND(7) primitives of the cdi(7).


The primitive consists of a signle M_PROTO message block containing a wan_nty structure. The wan_nty structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wan_nty {
         uint8_t wan_type;
         uint8_t wan_spare[3];
         uint32_t wan_snid;
         uint32_t wan_eventstat;
         uint32_t wan_reserved[2];


The wan_nty structure has the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure contained in the M_PROTO message block. Always WAN_NTY.
Spare bytes for alignment: ignored by the responder and set to zero by the initiator.
Conveys the subnetwork identifier. Equivalent to the Physical Point of Attachment (PPA) of the WAN interface.
This member contains one of the following bit masks:

W_RECEIVE_BUFFER_OVFL A received buffer overflow has occurred.
W_FRAMING_ERROR A received frame framing error has occured.
W_TIMEOUT A timeout has occurred.
W_HD_OVERRUN A hardware device overrun has occurred.
W_ATTACHED_DEV_INACT The attached device has gone inactive.
W_ATTACHED_DEV_ACTIVE The attached device has become active.
W_FCS_ERR A Frame Check Sequence (CRC) error has occurred.
W_CTS_ON The CTS (Clear to Send) lead has gone high.
W_CTS_OFF The CTS (Clear to Send) lead has gone low.
W_DCD_ON The DCD (Data Carrier Detect) lead has gone high.
W_DCD_OFF The DCD (Data Carrier Detect) lead has gone low.
W_DSR_ON The DSR (Data Set Ready) lead has gone high.
W_DSR_OFF The DSR (Data Set Ready) lead has gone low.
W_RI_ON The RI (Ring Indicator) lead has gone high.
W_RI_OFF The RI (Ring Indicator) lead has gone low.
W_PARITY_ERROR A parity error has occurred on an asynchronous line.
W_BREAK_DETECTED A break has been detected on an asyncrhonous line.
W_SHORT_FRAME A short frame has been received.
W_TX_UNDERRUN The transmitter FIFO has underrun.
W_ABORT An aborted frame has been received.
W_BSC_PAD_ERR A Bisynchronous Character padding error has occured.
W_CTS_UNDERRUN A Clear to Send underrun condition has occurred.

Reserved for future use: set to zero by the issuer and ignored by the receiver.


The WAN_NTY primitive may be issued by WAN user or WAN driver in the connecting, data transfer, disconnecting, and disconnected phases.


When WAN_NTY is issued by the WAN driver, the WAN driver does not expect any response.

When issued by the WAN interface user, the WAN interface user expects the WAN driver to register the specified events and generate a WAN_NTY primitive should any of the registered events be detected, and to not generate a WAN_NTY primitive for any events that have not been registered.

Should an error occur as a result of a primitive issued by the WAN interface user, an M_PROTO message is sent upstream with an appropriate error code, resulting in the failure of all system acalls on the Stream until closed. The WAN_NTY primitive may fail when:

The M_PROTO message block is of an incorrect length for the primitive, or the wan_command is invalid.
The underlying device driver has encountered a fatal error.
The WAN_CTL primitive was issued form an incorrect state for the subnetwork entity.
The maximum receive buffer size is too small to hold the largest frame required by the device.


When issued by the WAN user, the WAN_NTY primitive is equivalent to the CD_MODEM_SIG_POLL(7) primitive of the cdi(7). When issued by the WAN driver, the WAN_NTY primitive is equivalent to the CD_MODEM_SIG_IND(7) and CD_ERROR_IND(7) primitive.


The WAN_NTY primitive is OpenSS7-specific and was modelled after the IBM WAN_NOTIFY primitive included in the ARTIC implementation.3 While WAN_NTY is similar in structure and form to WAN_NOTIFY when issued by the WAN driver, WAN_NTY also permits registration of events when issued by the WAN interface user. This is accomplished in ARTIC using the W_SETLINE and W_GETLINE and other device-dependent input-output controls.

The default behaviour for a freshly created Stream is to not generate any notifications at all. This provides maximum compatibility with implementations for which applications programs, drivers and modules are not expecting to receive WAN_NTY or WAN_NOTIFY primitives.

5 WAN Input-Output Controls

5.1 Input-Output Control Data Structures

The /usr/include/strx25/sys/snet/wan_control.h header file (<sys/snet/wan_control.h> with proper compile flags) defines a number of structures, pointers to which are used as arguments to input-output controls. These structures fall into four classes, identified by the value of the first byte of the structure, as follows:

WAN_STATS A wan_stioc structure that identifies the subnetwork and contains the state and statistics associated with the subnetwork. Used with the W_ZEROSTATS and W_GETSTATS input-output controls.

WAN_TUNE A wan_tnioc structure that idnetifies the subnetwork and contains the tunable parameters associated with the subnetwork. Used with the W_SETTUNE and W_GETTUNE input-output controls.

WAN_MAP A wanmapgf, wanmappf or wanmapdf structure that identifies the mapping entries, mapping entry or subnetwork, respectively. Used with the W_GETWANMAP, W_PUTWANMAP and W_DELWANMAP input-output controls, respectively.

WAN_PLAIN A wan_hdioc structure that identifies the subnetwork. Used with the W_STATUS, W_ENABLE and W_DISABLE input-output controls.

WAN_SETSIG A wan_setsigf structure that identifies the subnetwork and contains the setting for leads associated with the subnetwork. Used with the W_SETSIG and W_GETSIG input-output controls.

These structures are described in detail in the subsections that follow.

5.1.1 WAN_STATS - Statistics Data Structures

The value of WAN_STATS in the w_type field of the structure pointed to by the input-output control argument specifies that the pointed-to structure is a wan_stioc structure. This structure is used by the W_ZEROSTATS and W_GETSTATS input-output controls. wan_stioc Structure

The wan_stioc structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wan_stioc {
         uint8_t w_type;
         uint8_t w_state;
         uint8_t w_spare[2];
         uint32_t w_snid;
         hdlcstats_t hdlc_stats;

The wan_stioc structure contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure associated with the input-output control. Always WAN_STATS.
Returns the state of the subnetwork entity. This member may have one of the following values:

HDLC_IDLE The raw HDLC connection is idle.
HDLC_ESTB The raw HDLC connection is established.
HDLC_DISABLED The raw HDLC connection is disabled.
HDLC_CONN The raw HDLC connection is connecting.
HDLC_DISC The raw HDLC connection is disconnecting.

Spare bytes for alignment: set to zero (0) by the issuer and ignored by the responder.
Specifies the subnetwork identifier. Equivalent to the CDI Physical Point of Attachment (PPA).
Contains the hdlcstats_t structure described below. hdlcstats_t Structure

The hdlcstats_t structure is formatted as follows:

     typedef struct hstats {
         uint32_t hc_txgood;
         uint32_t hc_txurun;
         uint32_t hc_rxgood;
         uint32_t hc_rxorun;
         uint32_t hc_rxcrc;
         uint32_t hc_rxnobuf;
         uint32_t hc_rxnflow;
         uint32_t hc_rxoflow;
         uint32_t hc_rxabort;
         uint32_t hc_intframes;
     } hdlcstats_t;

The hdlcstats_t structure has the following members, each reflecting a count since the last reset:

A count of the number of good frames transmitted since the last reset. This is a non-wrapping counter: should the counter reach its maximum value, it will no longer be incremented.
A count of the number of transmitter underruns since the last reset. This is a non-wrapping counter: should the counter reach its maximum value, it will no longer be incremented.
A count of the number of good frames received since the last reset. This is a non-wrapping counter: should the counter reach its maximum value, it will no longer be incremented.
A count of the number of receiver overruns since the last reset. This is a non-wrapping counter: should the counter reach its maximum value, it will no longer be incremented.
A count of the number of received CRC or framing errors since the last reset. This is a non-wrapping counter: should the counter reach its maximum value, it will no longer be incremented.
A count of the number of receive buffer overflows since the last reset. This is a non-wrapping counter: should the counter reach its maximum value, it will no longer be incremented.
A count of the number of received frames with no flow control since the last reset. This is a non-wrapping counter: should the counter reach its maximum value, it will no longer be incremented.
A count of the number of received buffer overflows since the last reset. This is a non-wrapping counter: should the counter reach its maximum value, it will no longer be incremented.
A count of the number of receiver aborts since the last reset. This is a non-wrapping counter: should the counter reach its maximum value, it will no longer be incremented.
A count of the number of frames failed to be transmitted by the loss of modem signals or other physical medium error since the last reset. This is a non-wrapping counter: should the counter reach its maximum value, it will no longer be incremented.

5.1.2 WAN_TUNE - Tunable Data Structures

The value of WAN_TUNE in the w_type field of the structure pointed to by the input-output control argument specifies that the pointed-to structure is a wan_tnioc structure. This structure is used by the W_SETTUNE and W_GETTUNE input-output controls. wan_tnioc Structure

The wan_tnioc structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wan_tnioc {
         uint8_t w_type;
         uint8_t w_spare[3];
         uint32_t w_snid;
         wantune_t wan_tune;
Specifies the type of the structure associated with the input-output control. Always WAN_TUNE.
Spare bytes for alignment: set to zero (0) by the issuer and ignored by the responder.
Specifies the subnetwork identifier. Equivalent to the CDI Physical Point of Attachment (PPA).
Contains the wantune_t structure described below. wantune_t Structure

The wantune_t structure is formatted as follows:

     typedef struct {
         uint16_t WAN_options;
         struct WAN_hddef WAN_hd;
     } wantune_t;

The wantune_t structure contains the following members:

Specifies a number of WAN options associated with the device. This member is a bitwise OR of zero or more of the following values:
When set, indicates that a translation using the WAN remote address to interface address mapping function is to be performed.

Padding for alignment, set to zero by the issuer and ignored by the responder.
Contains the WAN_hddef structure described below. WAN_hddef Structure

The WAN_hddef structure is formatted as follows:

     struct WAN_hddef {
         uint16_t WAN_maxframe;
         uint32_t WAN_baud;
         uint16_t WAN_interface;
         union {
             uint16_t WAN_cptype;
             struct WAN_x21 WAN_x21def;
             struct WAN_v25 WAN_v25def;
         } WAN_cpdef;

The WAN_hddef structure contains the following members:

Conveys the maximum frame size in octets.
Conveys the transmission rate in bits per second.
This member specifies the WAN interface. It can assume one of the following values:

WAN_X21 The interface is a X.21 interface.
WAN_V28 The interface is a V.28 interface.
WAN_V35 The interface is a V.35 interface.
WAN_V36 The interface is a V.36 interface.
WAN_RS232 The interface is a RS-232 interface.
WAN_RS422 The interface is a RS-422 interface.
WAN_T1E1 The interface is a G.703/G.704 interface.
WAN_ATM The interface is a ATM interface.

This member defines a number of alternate call procedural defintions described by a union. The union contains the following members:
Specifies the tye of the call procedural definitions. Always WAN_NONE, WAN_X21P or WAN_V25bis. When WAN_cptype is WAN_NONE, only this member of the union is significant.
When WAN_cptype is WAN_X21P, this member of the union is significant. This member contains the WAN_x21 structure described below.
When WAN_cptype is WAN_V25bis, this member of the union is significant. This member contains the WAN_v25 structure described below. WAN_x21 Structure

The WAN_x21 structure is formatted as follows:

     struct WAN_x21 {
         uint16_t WAN_cptype;
         uint16_t T1;
         uint16_t T2;
         uint16_t T3A;
         uint16_t T4B;
         uint16_t T5;
         uint16_t T6;

The WAN_x21 structure has the following members:

Specifies the type of the call procedural defintions. Always WAN_X21P.
Specifies the timeout for the call request state in deciseconds.
Specifies the timeout for the EOS to data transfer in deciseconds.
Specifies the timeout for call progress signals in deciseconds.
Specifies the timeout for DCE provided information in deciseconds.
Specifies the timeout for DTE clear request in deciseconds.
Specifies the timeout for DTE clear confirm state in deciseconds. WAN_v25 Structure

The WAN_v25 structure is formatted as follows:

     struct WAN_v25 {
         uint16_t WAN_cptype;
         uint16_t callreq;

The WAN_v25 structure has the following members:

Specifies the type of the call procedural defintions. Always WAN_V25bis.
Contains the abort time (in deciseconds) for the call request command if the network does not support CFI.

5.1.3 WAN_MAP - Mapping Data Structures

The value of WAN_MAP in the w_type field of the structure pointed to by the input-output control argument specifies that the pointed-to structure is a wanmapgf, wanmappf or wanmapdf structure. These structures are used by the W_GETWANMAP, W_PUTWANMAP and W_DELWANMAP input-output controls, respectively. wanmapgf Structure

The wanmapgf structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wanmapgf {
         uint8_t w_type;
         uint8_t w_spare[3];
         uint32_t w_snid;
         wanget_t wan_ents;

The wanmapgf structure contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure associated with the input-output control. Always WAN_MAP.
Spare bytes for alignment: set to zero (0) by the issuer and ignored by the responder.
Specifies the subnetwork identifier. Equivalent to the CDI Physical Point of Attachment (PPA).
Contains the wanget_t structure described below. wanget_t Structure

The wanget_t structure is formatted as follows:

     typedef struct {
         uint16_t first_ent;
         uint16_t num_ent;
         wanmap_t entries[0];
     } wanget_t;

The wanget_t structure contains the following members:

Specifies the index of the first entry in the entries member.
Specifies the number of entries in the entries member.
Contains num_ent entries of wanmap_t structures. The wanmap_t structure is described below. wanmappf Structure

The wanmappf structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wanmappf {
         uint8_t w_type;
         uint8_t w_spare[3];
         uint32_t w_snid;
         wanmap_t wan_ent;

The wanmappf structure contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure associated with the input-output control. Always WAN_MAP.
Spare bytes for alignment: set to zero (0) by the issuer and ignored by the responder.
Specifies the subnetwork identifier. Equivalent to the CDI Physical Point of Attachment (PPA).
Contains the wanmap_t structure described below. wanmap_t Structure

The wanmap_t structure is formatted as follows:

     typedef struct {
         uint8_t remsize;
         uint8_t remaddr[20];
         uint8_t infsize;
         uint8_t infaddr[30];
     } wanmap_t;

The wanmap_t structure contains the following members:

Conveys the size of the remote address contained in the remaddr field in octets.
Contains the remote address, significant to remsize octets.
Conveys the size of the interface address contained in the infaddr field in octets.
Contains the remote address, significant to infsize octets. wanmapdf Structure

The wanmapdf structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wanmapdf {
         uint8_t w_type;
         uint8_t w_spare[3];
         uint32_t w_snid;

The wanmapdf structure contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure associated with the input-output control. Always WAN_MAP.
Spare bytes for alignment: set to zero (0) by the issuer and ignored by the responder.
Specifies the subnetwork identifier. Equivalent to the CDI Physical Point of Attachment (PPA).

5.1.4 WAN_PLAIN - Plain Data Structures

The value of WAN_PLAIN in the w_type field of the structure pointed to by the input-output control argument specifies that the pointed-to structure is a wan_hdioc structure. The structure is used by the W_STATUS, W_ENABLE and W_DISABLE input-output controls. wan_hdioc Structure

The wan_hdioc structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wan_hdioc {
         uint8_t w_type;
         uint8_t w_spare[3];
         uint32_t w_snid;

The wan_hdioc structure contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure associated with the input-output control. Always WAN_PLAIN.
Spare bytes for alignment: set to zero (0) by the issuer and ignored by the responder.
Specifies the subnetwork identifier. Equivalent to the CDI Physical Point of Attachment (PPA).

5.1.5 WAN_SETSIG - Signal and Lead Data Structures

The value WAN_SETSIG in the w_type field of the structure pointed to by the input-output control argument specifies that the pointed-to structure is a wan_setsigf structure. This structure is used by the W_SETSIG and W_GETSIG input-output controls. wan_setsigf Structure

The wan_setsigf structure is formatted as follows:

     struct wan_setsigf {
         uint8_t w_type;
         uint8_t w_spare[3];
         uint32_t w_snid;
         wan_setsig_t wan_setsig;

The wan_setsigf structure contains the following members:

Specifies the type of the structure associated with the input-output control. Always WAN_SETSIG.
Spare bytes for alignment: set to zero (0) by the issuer and ignored by the responder.
Specifies the subnetwork identifier. Equivalent to the CDI Physical Point of Attachment (PPA).
Contains the wan_setsig_t structure described below. wan_setsig_t Structure

The wan_setsig_t structure is formatted as follows:

     typedef struct {
         uint8_t w_ctrlsignal;
         uint8_t w_reserved[3];
     } wan_setsig_t;

The wan_setsig_t structure contains the following members:

Contains the control signals. This can be a bitwise OR of zero or more of the following:

W_RTS_HIGH Set or indicate RTS high, (or X.21 C signal).
W_DTR_HIGH Set or indicate DTR high.
W_DCD_HIGH Indicate DCD high.
W_DSR_HIGH Indicate DSR high.
W_CTS_HIGH Indicate CTS high, (or X.21 I signal).
W_RI_HIGH Indicate RI high.
W_RTS_LOW Set RTS low.
W_DTR_LOW Set DTR low.

Reserved field: set to zero (0) by issuer and ignored by responder.

5.2 Input-Output Control Commands

The /usr/include/strx25/sys/snet/wan_control.h header file (<sys/snet/wan_control.h> with proper compile flags) defines a number of input-output controls, as follows:

W_ZEROSTATS Zeroes statistics associated with a subnetwork entity and collects the statistics and state of the subnetwork prior to reset.
W_GETSTATS Retrieves the statistics and state associated with a subnetwork entity.
W_SETTUNE Sets the tunable parameters associated with a subnetwork entity.
W_GETTUNE Gets the tunable parameters associated with a subnetwork entity.
W_PUTWANMAP Puts a remote address to interface address mapping entry.
W_GETWANMAP Gets a block of remote address to interface address mapping entries.
W_DELWANMAP Deletes all remote address to interface address mapping entries associated with a subnetwork entity.
W_STATUS Retrieves the state of a subnetwork entity.
W_ENABLE Enables a subnetwork entity for data transfer.
W_DISABLE Disables a subnetwork entity from data transfer.

These input-output controls are described in detail in the subsections that follow.

5.2.1 W_ZEROSTATS - Zero Statistics


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wan_stioc structure, see wan_stioc Structure.


The W_ZEROSTATS input-output control requests that the WAN driver reset the statistics associated with the w_snid contained in the passed-in structure. The WAN driver is to reset the statistics, returning the statistics and state immediately before reset in the hdlc_stats and w_state members of the provided structure. See hdlcstats_t Structure.

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

5.2.2 W_GETSTATS - Get Statistics


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wan_stioc structure, see wan_stioc Structure.


The W_GETSTATS input-output control requests that the WAN driver retrieve the statistics and state associated with the w_snid contained in the passed-in structure. The WAN driver is to retrieve the current statistics and state, returning them in the hdlc_stats and w_state members of the provided structure.

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

5.2.3 W_SETTUNE - Set Tunables


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wan_tnioc structure, see wan_tnioc Structure.


The W_SETTUNE input-output control requests that the WAN driver set the tunable parameters form the passed-in structure for the w_snid contained in that structure. The WAN driver is to set th tunable, returning any negotiated value in the provided structure.

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.
The specified WAN_maxframe is of insufficient size to hold the maximum size frame necessary for proper operation of the protocol.
The WAN driver cannot allocate single message buffers of size WAN_maxframe.
The interface is in a wrong state. For example, the tuning input-output control was issued after the interface was already registered with the WAN_REG primitive.
The WAN_interface does not match the capabilities or mode of the hardware.

5.2.4 W_GETTUNE - Get Tunables


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wan_tnioc structure, see wan_tnioc Structure.


The W_GETTUNE input-output control requests that the WAN driver get the tunable parameters associated with the w_snid contained in the passed-in structure. The WAN driver is to retrieve the tunable parameters and return them in the provided structure.

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

5.2.5 W_PUTWANMAP - Put WAN Address Mapping


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wanmappf structure, see wanmappf Structure.


The W_PUTWANMAP input-output control requests that the WAN driver add a remote address to interface address mapping entry associated to the specified subnetwork identifier, w_snid.

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

5.2.6 W_GETWANMAP - Get WAN Address Mapping


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wanmapgf structure, see wanmapgf Structure.


The W_GETWANMAP input-output control requests that the WAN driver retrieve a block of remote address to interface address mapping entries associated with the specified subnetwork identifier, w_snid.

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

5.2.7 W_DELWANMAP - Delete WAN Address Mappings


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wanmapdf structure, see wanmapdf Structure.


The W_DELWANMAP input-output control requests that the WAN driver delete all remote address to interface address mapping entries associatedw with the specified subnetwork identifier, w_snid.

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

5.2.8 W_STATUS - Get Interface Status


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wan_hdioc structure, see wan_hdioc Structure.


The W_STATUS input-output control requests that the WAN driver return the status of the w_snid contained in the passed-in structure.

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0) when the associated w_snid is disabled, and one (1) when the associated w_snid is enabled.

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

5.2.9 W_ENABLE - Enable Interface Data Transfer


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wan_hdioc structure, see wan_hdioc Structure.


The W_ENABLE input-output control requests that the WAN driver enable data transfer for the w_snid contained in the passed-in structure.

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

5.2.10 W_DISABLE - Disable Interface Data Transfer


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wan_hdioc structure, see wan_hdioc Structure.


The W_DISABLE input-output control requests that the WAN driver disable data transfer for the w_snid contained in the passed-in structure.

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

5.2.11 W_SETSIG - Set Signals and Leads


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wan_setsigf structure, see wan_setsigf Structure.


The W_SETSIG input-output control requests that the WAN driver set the signals and leads as specified. This input-output control is equivalent to the CD_MODEM_SIG_REQ(7) primitive of the cdi(7).

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

5.2.12 W_GETSIG - Get Signals and Leads


This input-output control takes an argument that is a pointer to a wan_setsigf structure, see wan_setsigf Structure.


The W_GETSIG input-output control requests that the WAN driver retrieve the signals and leads. This input-output control is equivalent to the CD_MODEM_SIG_POLL(7) primitive of the cdi(7).

Return Value

When successful, the input-output control operation returns zero (0).

In addition to the errors that may be returned by ioctl(2) and streamio(7), errors that may be returned by this input-output control are as follows:

The specified w_snid is unknown or invalid.
The size of the structure corresponding to the passed-in argument is incorrect for the input-output control and w_type specified.
The underlying device has encountered a fatal error.

Appendix A WAN Header Files

Applications using the Wide Area Network (WAN) Interface need to include several system header files:


A.1 WAN Protocol Header File

A.2 WAN Control Header File

Appendix B WAN Drivers and Modules

SpiderX.25 WAN Drivers and Modules

Figure 3. SpiderX.25 WAN Drivers and Modules

B.1 WAN Module

The WAN Module is a pushable STREAMS module named s_wan. Its purpose is to take an OpenSS7 Communications Device Interface (CDI) Stream and convert it for use as a WAN interface Stream by applications programs, drivers or modules expecting the SpiderX.25 interface. The insertion and use of this module is illustrated in Figure 4.

SpiderX.25 WAN Conversion Module: `s_wan'

Figure 4. SpiderX.25 WAN Conversion Module: s_wan

The s_wan pushable STREAMS module accepts a Communications Devce Interface (CDI) at its lower service boundary and provides a Wide Area Network (WAN) Interface at its upper service boundary.

Note that, as s_wan is a pushable module, it is possible to include an autopush(8) specification a driver providing the Communications Device Interface (CDI), to provide a specialized device minor or minor device name that clones Device Layers following the WAN approach.

     #include <sys/types.h>
     #include <sys/stropts.h>
     #include <sys/errno.h>
     #include <sys/error.h>
     #include <sys/snet/wan_proto.h>
     #include <sys/snet/wan_control.h>
     int fd;
     /* Open the communications style device. */
     if ((fd = open("/dev/cd", O_RDWR)) < 0) {
     /* Push the WAN style module. */
     if (ioctl(fd, I_PUSH, "s_wan") < 0) {
     /* At this point we can talk to the Stream using
      * the service primitives and input-output controls
      * of the WAN interface. */
     struct wan_tnioc tune;
     tune.w_type = WAN_TUNE;
     tune.w_snid = snid;
     if (ioctl(fd, W_GETTUNE, &tune) < 0) {

B.2 CDI Module

The CDI Module is a pushable STREAMS module named s_cdi. Its purpose is to take a SpiderX.25 WAN interface (WAN) Stream and convert it for use as a Communications Device utilizing the Communications Device Interface (CDI). The insertion and use of this module is illustrated in Figure 5.

OpenSS7 CDI Conversion Module: `s_cdi'

Figure 5. OpenSS7 CDI Conversion Module: s_cdi

The s_cdi pushable STREAMS module accepts a Wide Area Network (WAN) Interface at its lower service boundary and provides a Communications Devce Interface (CDI) at its upper service boundary.

Note that, as s_cdi is a pushable module, it is possible to include an autopush(8) specification a driver providing the Wide Area Network (WAN) Interface, to provide a specialized device minor or minor device name that clones Device Layers following the CDI approach.

Appendix C WAN Utilities

C.1 WAN Tuning Utility

The WAN Tuning Utility is also documented as a manual page, wantune(8).


wantune – manage WAN tunable parameters


     wantune [options] [-G] -s subnet_id [-d devname] [filename]
     wantune [options]  -P  -s subnet_id [-d devname] [filename]
     wantune {-h|--help}
     wantune {-V|--version}
     wantune {-C|--copying}


wantune is a configuration command intended to be executed from system configuration scripts, and, in particular, the xnetd(8) configuration daemon. Its purpose is to alter or interrogate the tunable parameters of a WAN data link connected to an identified subnetwork.


The wantune command accepts the following options:

Command Options

The following command options are mutually exclusive (except for -h, -V and -C which never cause an error when specified with another command option). If no command option is given, -G is assumed.

-G, --get
Retrieve configuration information for the specified subnet_id, from the default or specified device, and write the output to stdout (or filename, when given). This option can be used to create a properly formatted configuration file from an existing system configuration.
-P, --put
Load configuration information for the specified subnet_id, to the default or specified device, getting the configuration input from stdin (or filename, when given). This option can be used to tune current system configuration.
-h, --help
When this option is encountered, usage information is printed to stdout, option processing stops, and the program exists successfully without taking any further action.
-V, --version
When this option is encountered, version information is printed to stdout, option processing stops, and the program exits successfully without taking any further action.
-C, --copying
When this option is encountered, copying permissions are printed to stdout, option processing stops, and the program exits successfully without taking any further action.
Non-Command Options

The following non-command options cab be combined together and with any command option. Non-command options that are not necessary for the specified command option do not generate an error by mere combination.

-e, --extended
Normally wantune processes a fixed number of lines from stdin (or filename, when specified), and outputs a fixed number of lines to stdout (or filename, when specified). This fixed number of lines are strictly compatible with other implementations of wantune.

When the -e option is specified, additional lines are accepted on input and are generated on output. For the format of the fixed lines and the additional lines, see WAN Tuning File Format.

-s, --subnet subnet_id
Specifies the subnetwork identifier, subnet_id, to which the tuning operation applies. subnet_id is normally an alphabetical character starting at ‘A’ for the first subnetwork, ‘B’ for the second subnetwork, and so on. This option must always be given when the -P or -G options are present or assumed.
-d, --device devname
Specifies the device, devname, to open when tuning. When unspecified, the default is /dev/wans. See also Devices, below.
-n, --dryrun
Execute the command (-P or -G) as a dry run. When this option is specified with the -P option, the input is read and checked for validity, but the configuration is not written to the device when specified with the -G option, information is read from the device, but configuration information is not output. The exit status and diagnostic output of the command still reflects the success or failure of the command.
-q, --quiet
Suppresses normal output. This is the same as ‘--verbose=0’.
-D, --debug [level]
Increase or specify the debug verbosity level. The default debug level is zero (0). This option may be repeated. Level zero (0) corresponds to no debugging output.
-v, --verbose [level]
Increase or specify the output verbosity level. The default output level is one (1). This option may be repeated. Level zero (0) corresponds to no normal output.


The following non-option arguments may be provided on the command line:

Specifies the filename from which to read (-P option) or write (-G option) configuration information.

This argument is optional. When the filename is not given and the -P option is specified, the values are read from stdin; for the -G option, values are written to stdout.

If the filename is an absolute path (i.e. begins with ‘/’), then filename is assumed to be the exact path specified. Otherwise, the file required is assumed to be /etc/sysconfig/strx25/template/filename.4 See WAN Tuning File Format, for the format of the file.


An exit status of zero (0) indicates that the command was successful; one (1) indicates that an error occured and a diagnostic message is printed to stderr; two (2) indicates that the option or argument syntax was in error and a diagnostic message is printed to stderr.

The --quiet option suppresses the printing of normal output to stdout and diagnostic messages to stderr.

File Format

For the input file format, see WAN Tuning File Format.


On input, this implementation will handle fields that are separated by any whitespace (any number of blanks, horzontal tabs, new lines, carriage returns, vertical tabs, form feeds). On output, newlines are generated after fields.


The Style 2 CDI device for WAN, wans(4).


The default directory location for configuration files used by this command.5

See Also

WAN Tuning File Format.


wantune has no known bugs.


The wantune command is compatible with Spider X.25, and implementations based on Spider X.25, such as AIXlink/X.25, HP-UX, IRIS SX.25, PT X.25, RadiSys WAN, SBE X.25, Solstice X.25, and others, with the following portability considerations:

  • A version of this command is provided by OpenSS7 X.25 Networking for compatibility with systems that require it. Neither this command nor the xnetd(8) are recommended for configuration of the OpenSS7 X.25 Networking subsystems. Use the SNMP agent instead.
  • Options -e, -n, -q, -v, -h, -V, -C, and all long options, are specific to this OpenSS7 X.25 Networking implementation of wantune and will not be used by portable command scripts.
  • No other implementation documents printing the output to a file when a filename is specified with the -G command option. This is an enhancement of this implementation.
  • No other implementation documents the -e, -n, -q, -v, -h, -V, and -C, options. They will not be used by portable command scripts.
  • Options --help and --version are provided for compatibility with GNU coding standards (GNITS); --copying, OpenSS7 coding standards.
  • wantune attempts to be source (and script) compatible with historical implementations based on Spider X.25, however, binary compatibility is not attempted. Any binary compatibility acheived is likely to be removed in a subsequent release.

For additional compatibilty considerations, see WAN Compatibility and Porting.


AIXlink/X.25, HP-UX, IRIS SX.25, PT X.25, RadiSys WAN, SBE X.25, Solstice X.25, documentation. See References.


wantune first appeared in Spider X.25.

C.2 WAN Address Mapping Utility


wanmap – manage WAN address mappings


     wanmap [options] -D -s subnet -r remote [-d device]
     wanmap [options] -G -s subnet -r remote [-d device] [filename]
     wanmap [options] -M -s subnet [-d device] [filename]
     wanmap [options] -P -s subnet [-d device] [filename]
     wanmap [options] -Z -s subnet [-d device] [filename]
     wanmap {-h|--help}
     wanmap {-V|--version}
     wanmap {-C|--copying}


wanmap provides a user space command line program that permits alteration and management of the remote to interface address mapping tables that are associated with a given subnet identifier within the WAN driver. Command options are given to permit the deletion of individual entries, the retrieval of individual entries, the loading of the table from a file for a given subnet, and zeroing of the table for a given subnet.


The wanmap command accepts the following options:

Command Options

The following command options are mutually exclusive: only one command option should be present on the command line at a time. The exceptions are the -h, -V and -C options that can be specified alone, or with any other option.

-D, --delete
Deelte the address mapping identified by the remote argument to the -r option and the subnet argument to the -s option. The -s and -r options must be specified.
-G, --get
Display the address mapping identified by the remote argument to the -r option and the subnet argument to the -s option. The -s and -r options must be specified.
-M, --list
Display the address mappings identified by the subnet argument to the -s option. The -s option must be specified.
-P, --load
Load the address mappings identified by the subnet argument to the -s option. The -s option must be specified.
-Z, --zero
Delete all address mappings identified by the subnet argument to the -s option. The -s option must be specified.
-h, --help
When this option is encountered, display usage information to stdout, stop options processing, and exit without taking further action.
-V, --version
When this option is encountered, display version information to stdout, stop options processing, and exit without taking further action.
-C, --copying
When this option is encountered, display copying information to stdout, stop options processing, and exit without taking further action.
Non-Command Options

The following common options can be specified together along with a command option. It is not an error to specify options that are not necessary for the command option with which they are specified.

-r, --remote remote
Specify the remote address, remote, for which to delete or retrieve an address mapping. The address mapping is deleted when the -D command option is given; retrieved for the -G option. This option must be specified whenever the -D or -G option is specified.
-s, --subnet subnet
Specifies the subnetwork identifier, subnet, to which the command applies. This option must be specified whenever the -D, -G, -M, -P or -Z options is specified.
-d, --device device
Specify the device name, device, upon which to operate. When this option is not specified, or device is not given, the default is /dev/wans, /dev/streams/clone/wans or /dev/streams/wans/0, whichever opens successfully first.
-f, --file filename
Specify the configuraiton file name that holds mapping information to apply to the device when the -P command option is also specified. When this option is not specified, or the filename is not given, the default is /etc/sysconfig/wanmapconf.6 For the format of this file, see WAN Mapping File Format.
-q, --quiet [level]
Suppress normal output. Only the return code oof the command is of interest. This has the same effect as ‘--verbose=0’.
--debug [level]
Specify or increase the debugging verbosity level. Sets the debugging verbosity level, when given, or simply incresases the debug verbosity when level is not given. This option can be repeated. When level is specified, only the last repetition takes effect.
-v, --verbose [level]
Specify or increase the output verbosity level. Sets the output verbosity level, when given, or simply incresases the output verbosity when level is not given. This option can be repeated. When level is specified, only the last repetition takes effect.


The wanmap command takes no non-option arguments.


An exit status of zero (0) indicates that the command was successful; one (1) indicates that an error occured and a diagnostic message is printed to stderr; two (2) indicates that the option or argument syntax was in error and a diagnostic message is printed to stderr.

The --quiet option suppresses the printing of normal output to stdout and diagnostic messages to stderr.

File Format

For the input file format, see WAN Mapping File Format.


On input, this implementation will handle fields that are separated by any whitespace (any number of blanks, horzontal tabs, new lines, carriage returns, vertical tabs, form feeds). On output, newlines are generated after fields.


The Style 2 CDI device for WAN, wans(4).


The default directory location for configuration files used by this command.7

See Also

WAN Mapping File Format.


wanmap has no known bugs.


wanmap is compatible with Spider X.25, and implementations based on Spider X.25, such as, AIXlink/X.25, HP-UX, IRIS SX.25, PT X.25, RadiSyS WAN, SBE X.25, Solstice X.25, and others, with the following portability considerations:

  • Options -q, -v, -h, -V, -C, and all long options, are specified to this OpenSS7 X.25 Networking implementation of wanmap and should not be used by portable command scripts.
  • No other implementation documents the -q, -v, -h, -V, and -C, options. They should not be used by portable command scripts.
  • Options --help and --version are provided for compatibility with GNU coding standards (GNITS); --coying, OpenSS7 coding standards.

For additiona compatibility information, see WAN Compatibility and Porting.


AIXlink/X.25, HP-UX, IRIS SX.25, PT X.25, RadiSyS WAN, SBE X.25, Solstice X.25, documentation.


wanmap first appeared in Spider X.25.

Appendix D WAN File Formats

D.1 WAN Mapping File Format

The WAN mapping file format first appeared in Spider X.25.

D.2 WAN Tuning File Format

File Format

The WAN tuning file format corresponds closely to the wan_tnioc structure. Each line in the file typically corresponds to a member in the wan_tnioc structure. See wan_tnioc Structure.

The file consists of 12 lines of data as follows:

  1. WAN_maxframe specifies the maximum frame size for the WAN interface in octets. The value is a positive integer.
  2. WAN_baud specifies the baud rate for the WAN interface in bits per second. When zero (0), an external clock must be provided. THe value is a positive integer.
  3. WAN_translate specifies whether a remote address should be translated into an interface address using the address mapping function. See wanmap(8) for more information. When this value is ‘Y’, ‘y’ or ‘1’, the address mapping will be used to translate the remote address.
  4. WAN_phys_int specifies the physical interface type. This can be the integer numeric value ‘0’, ‘1’ or ‘2’, wehre the interpretation of these values is described in the table below:

    0 WAN_X21 X.21 physical interface.
    1 WAN_V28 V.28 physical interface.
    2 WAN_V35 V.35 physical interface.
  5. WAN_connect_proc specifies the calling procedures to be used when generating outgoing calls on the WAN interface. This can be the values ‘0’, ‘1’, or ‘2’, where the interpretation of these value is described in the table below:

    0 WAN_NONE No calling procedures.
    1 WAN_X21P X.21 calling procedures.
    2 WAN_V25bis V.25 bis calling procedures.
  6. WAN_x21_T1 specifies the time interval for the X.21 T1 Timer: the amount of time that the DTE will await proceed-to-select having signalled call-request to the DCE. The value is a short integer number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds), with a default value of 30 (3.0 seconds).
  7. WAN_x21_T2 specifies the time interval for the X.21 T2 Timer: the amount of time that the DTE wil await ready-for-data having signalled end-of-selection. The value is a short integer number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds), with a default value of 200 (20.0 seconds).
  8. WAN_x21_T3A specifies the time interval for the X.21 T3A Timer: the amount of time that the DTE wil await additional call-progress or DCE-provided-information signals. The value is a short integer number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds), with a default value of 60 (6.0 seconds).
  9. WAN_x21_T4B specifies the time interval for the X.21 T4B Timer: the amount of time that the DTE wil await ready-for-data having signalled call-accept. The value is a short integer number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds), with a default value of 60 (6.0 seconds).
  10. WAN_x21_T5 specifies the time interval for the X.21 T5 Timer: the amount of time that the DTE wil await DCE-ready having signalled DTE-clear-request. The value is a short integer number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds), with a default value of 20 (2.0 seconds).
  11. WAN_x21_T6 specifies the time interval for the X.21 T6 Timer: the amount of time that the DTE wil await DCE-ready having signalled DTE-clear-confirm. The value is a short integer number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds), with a default value of 20 (2.0 seconds).
  12. WAN_v25_callreq specifies the time interval for the V.25 T1 Timer: the amount of time that the DTE will await successful call establishment afeter having initiated a call. The value is a short integer number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds), with a default value of 6000 (600 seconds, or 5 minutes).

    Note that V.25 Timer T1 is only necessary when CFI (Call Failure Indication) is not provided by the network.

Appendix E WAN Compatibility and Porting

The typical SpiderX.25 stack implementation is illustrated in Figure 2. This stack profile has the following characteristics:

  • The predominant implementation interface at the network layer is the Network Layer Interface (NLI), see NLI.
  • The predominant implementation interface at the data link layer is the Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI), see DLPI.
  • The predominant implementation interface at the media access or frame layer is the MAC interface for LAN and the WAN interface (for WAN), the later being the subject of this specification.
SpiderX.25 Overview

Figure 2. SpiderX.25 Overview

The SpiderX.25 stack implementation differs from the OpenSS7 X.25 Networking one in several fundamental ways:

  • OpenSS7 X.25 Networking uses the Network Provider Interface (NPI), see NPI, at the network layer.
  • OpenSS7 X.25 Networking uses the Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI), see DLPI, at the data link layer.
  • OpenSS7 X.25 Networking uses the Communications Device Interface (CDI), see CDI, at the media access or frame sub-layer.

For the purposes of providing compatibility between the OpenSS7 X.25 Networking implementation approach and the SpiderX.25 implementation approach, OpenSS7 X.25 Networking provides a number of pushable “conversion” modules. See WAN Drivers and Modules.

E.1 Compatibility with AIXlink/X.25

E.2 Compatibility with HP X.25/9000

E.3 Compatibility with IRIS SX.25

E.4 Compatibility with PT X.25

E.5 Compatibility with RadiSys WAN

E.6 Compatibility with SBE X.25

E.7 Compatibility with Solstice X.25

Appendix F Glossary of WAN Terms and Acronyms

ANSI American National Standards Institute
CCITT Old name for ITU-T
CONS Connection-Oriented Network Service
ENSDU Expedited Network Service Data Unit
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ITU International Telecommunications Union
ITU-T ITU Telecom Sector
LCI Logical Channel Identifier
LLC1 Logical Link Control Type 1
LLC2 Logical Link Control Type 2
LLC Logical Link Control
MAC Media Access Control
NLI Network Layer Interface
NPDU Network Protocol Data Unit
NSAP Network Service Access Point
NSDU Network Service Data Unit
NSP Network Service Provider
NS Network Service
NSU Network Service User
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit
SAP Service Access Point
SDU Service Data Unit
VC Virtual Circuit
X.121 ITU-T Recommendation X.121
X.25 ITU-T Recommendation X.25
X.29 ITU-T Recommendation X.29


[AIXlink/X.25] AIXlink/X.25 Version 2.1 for AIX: Guide and Reference, No: SC23-2520-07, Eighth Edition, September 2006, (Bolder, CO), International Business Machine Corp., IBM. IBM Documentation Library.

[ARTIC WAN] ARTIC STREAMS Support WAN Driver Interface Reference, Release 1.7, June 2004, (Hillsboro, OR), RadiSys Corporation, RadiSys. [Doc No: 007-01232-0003], RadiSys Support Documentation.

[CDI] OpenSS7 CAE Specification: Communications Device Interface (CDI) Specification, Revision 0.9.2, Draft 2, July 15, 2007, (Edmonton, Canada), B. Bidulock, OpenSS7 Corporation. Distributed with package strxns-0.9.2 and openss7-0.9.2. OpenSS7 Documents.

[DLPI] Open Group CAE Specification: Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) Specification, Revision 2.0.0, Draft 2, August 20, 1992, (Parsippany, New Jersey), UNIX International, Inc., UNIX International Press. The Open Group, The OpenSS7 Project.

[IRIS SX.25] IRIS SX.25 NLI Programmer's Guide, 1995, (Mountainview, CA), Silicon Graphics, Inc., SGI Technical Publications. [No: 007-2268-002]. SGI Technical Publications.

[ISO7776] ISO/IEC 7776:1995, Information technology – Telecommunications information exchange between systems – High-level data link control procedures – Description of the X.25 LAPB-compatible DTE data link procedures, Second Edition, July 1, 1995, International Organization for Standardization. International Organization for Standardization.

[ISO8802-2] ANSI/IEEE Standard 802.2-1998 [ISO/IEC 8802-2:1998], IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems – Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Specific Requirements – Part 2: Logical Link Control, May 7, 1998, (New York), ANSI/IEEE, IEEE Computer Society. [ISBN 1-55937-959-6]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

[ISO8881] ISO/IEC 8881:1989, Information Processing Systems – Data Communications – User of the X.25 Packet Level Protocol in Local Area Networks, 1989, ISO/IEC, International Organization for Standardization. International Organization for Standardization.

[NLI] OpenSS7 CAE Specification: Network Layer Interface (NLI) Specification, Revision 0.9.2, Draft 1, June 2008, (Edmonton, AB), B. Bidulock, OpenSS7 Corporation. Distributed with package strx25-0.9.2 and openss7-0.9.2. The OpenSS7 Project.

[NPI] Open Group CAE Specification: Network Provider Interface (NPI) Specification, Revision 2.0.0, Draft 2, August 17, 1992, (Parisppany, New Jersey), UNIX International, Inc., UNIX International Press. The OpenSS7 Project.

[Solstice X.25] Solstice X.25 9.2 Administration Guide, October 1999, (Palo Alto, CA), Sun Microsystems, Inc., Sun. [Part No: 806-1234-10], Solaris Documentation.

[TPI] Open Group CAE Specification: Transport Provider Interface (TPI) Specification, Revision 2.0.0, Draft 2, 1999, (Berkshire, UK), Open Group, Open Group Publication. The Open Group, The OpenSS7 Project.

[V.25 bis] ITU-T Recommendation V.25 bis (10/96), Synchronous and asyncrhonous automatic dialing procedrues on switched networks, October 1996, (Geneva), ITU, ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU, (Previously “CCITT Recommendation”), T-REC-V.25bis.

[X.21] ITU-T Recommendation X.21 (09/92), Interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit-terminating Equiment (DCE) for synchronous operation on Public Data Networks, September 1992, (Geneva), ITU, ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU. (Previously “CCITT Recommendation”), T-REC-X.21.

[X.21 bis] ITU-T Recommendation X.21 bis (03/88), Use on Public Data Networks of Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) which is designed for interfacing to synchronous V-series modems, March 1988, (Geneva), ITU, ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU. (Previously “CCITT Recommendation”), T-REC-X.21bis.

[X.25] ITU-T Recommendation X.25. T-REC-X.25.

[X.29] ITU-T Recommendation X.29. T-REC-X.29.

[XX25] X/Open CAE Specification: X.25 Programming Interface using XTI (XX25), No. c411, November 1995, (Berkshire, UK), X/Open, Open Group Publication. [ISBN: 1-85912-136-5]. The Open Group.


Table of Contents


[1] See getmsg(2s), getpmsg(2), putmsg(2s) and putpmsg(2) manual pages.

[2] See W_DISABLE - Disable Interface Data Transfer.

[3] See ARTIC WAN.

[4] Note that the precise location of the /etc/sysconfig directory varies depending upon whether the build was on a dpkg(1)-based or rpm(1)-based system.

[5] Note that the precise location of the /etc/sysconfig directory varies depending upon whether the build was on a dpkg(1)-based or rpm(1)-based system.

[6] Note that the precise location of the /etc/sysconfig directory varies depending upon whether the build was on a dpkg(1)-based or rpm(1)-based system.

[7] Note that the precise location of the /etc/sysconfig directory varies depending upon whether the build was on a dpkg(1)-based or rpm(1)-based system.

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