Yum Repositories
Description: OpenSS7 Resources Repositories Yum
The OpenSS7 RPM repositories are set up as a repomd XML repository suitable
for use with yum(8),
zypper(8), or other software installation and update tools
that understand the repomd XML format.
Yum Setup
To use yum(8) to install or upgrade from the OpenSS7
repomd repositories, you will need a file in your /etc/yum.repo.d/ directory.
This file can be obtained directly from the OpenSS7 repository, like so:
$> REPOS="http://www.openss7.org/repos/rpms"
$> DISTRO="centos"; RELEASE="5.2"; ARCH="x86_64"
$> wget $BASE/repodata/openss7.repo
$> sudo cp -f openss7.repo /etc/yum.repo.d/
$> sudo yum makecache
This example assumes that the distribution is centos and the distribution release is
5.2 and the architecture required is x86_64. Another example would be
, for using
yum(8) or
zypper(8) with SUSE.
If you have difficulty downloading the openss7.repo file, edit the following information
into the file and place it into the /etc/yum.repo.d/openss7.repo file:
enabled = 1
name = OpenSS7 Repository
baseurl = http://www.openss7.org/repos/rpms/centos/5.2/x86_64
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey = http://www.openss7.org/repos/tarballs/OPENSS7-GPG-KEY
Zypper Setup
To use zypper(8) to install or upgrade from the OpenSS7
repomd XML repositories, the repository must first be added for use by the tool using a
sh(1) sequence such as follows:
$> REPOS="http://www.openss7.org/repos/rpms"
$> DISTRO="centos"; RELEASE="5.2"; ARCH="x86_64"
$> sudo zypper addrepo $BASE/repodata/openss7.repo
Installation and Removal
Once the repository is set up, OpenSS7 includes a number of groups and virtual package definitions
that ease the installation and removal of kernel modules, libraries and utilities. Downloading,
configuring, building and installation for a single-kernel distribution is as easy as
performing one of the following two sh(1) sequences:
$> sudo yum installgroup openss7
$> sudo zypper install -t group openss7
Removing the packages is as easy as
performing one of the following two sh(1) sequences:
$> sudo yum removegroup openss7
$> sudo zypper remove -t group openss7
Note that is it also possible to point to these repositories as an additional installation source
when installing CentOS, RedHat, Fedora, or others. You will
have an additional OpenSS7 category from which to choose installation packages.
Some additional installation real or virtual package names and the installations they accomplish are
as follows:
- openss7
This package can be used to install or remove all OpenSS7 packages. When installing, kernel
modules will be installed automatically for the highest version kernel on your system. When
removing, all corresponding kernel modules will also be removed.
- openss7-devel
This package can be used to install or remove the development components of the OpenSS7
packages. When installing, openss7 and appropriate kernel modules and kernel module
development and debug packages will also be installed. When removing, the development package
and all kernel module development and debug packages will also be removed.
- openss7-2.4.20-28.7
This package can be used to install or remove the packages for a specific kernel version. When
installing, the openss7 package will also be installed if necessary. When removing the
last kernel module packages, the openss7 pckages will also be removed.
Note that the version 2.4.20-28.7 is just an example. Use the version returned by
$(uname -r)
for the kernel for which you wish to install or remove packages.
- openss7-2.4.20-28.7-devel
This package can be use to install or remove the development and debug packages for a specific
kernel version. When installing, the openss7 and openss7-devel packages will
also be installed if necessary. When removing, the development and debug for kernel modules for
the last kernel, the openss7-devel packages will also be removed.
Note that the version 2.4.20-28.7 is just an example. Use the version returned by
$(uname -r) for the kernel for which you wish to install or remove the packages.
Repository Layout
If it is necessary to download RPMS or to use rpm(1) directly
to download and install RPMS, the layout of the RPMS in the repository is as follows:
- http://wwww.openss7.org/repos/rpms/$DISTRO/$RELEASE/$ARCH/SRPMS/*.src.rpm
This directory contains the SRPMs that were used to generate the
binary RPMs that are in the directories described below. When necessary, these SRPMs can be
downloaded and binary RPMs built. Nevertheless, it is easier to rebuild binary RPMs from the
OpenSS7 Master Package tarball than it is from individual SRPMs due to build dependencies
between SRPMs. All of the SRPMs can be downloaded with a sh(1) command sequence such as:
$> REPOS="http://www.openss7.org/repos/rpms"
$> DISTRO="centos"; RELEASE="5.2"; ARCH="i686"
$> wget $BASE/SRPMS/\*.src.rpm
- http://wwww.openss7.org/repos/rpms/$DISTRO/$RELEASE/$ARCH/RPMS/noarch/*.noarch.rpm
This directory contains the distribution-specific
architecture-independent binary RPMs. All of the distribution-specific architecture-independent
binary RPMs can be downloaded with a sh(1) command
sequence such as:
$> REPOS="http://www.openss7.org/repos/rpms"
$> DISTRO="centos"; RELEASE="5.2"; ARCH="i686"
$> wget $BASE/RPMS/noarch/\*.noarch.rpm
- http://wwww.openss7.org/repos/rpms/$DISTRO/$RELEASE/$ARCH/RPMS/$ARCH/*.$ARCH.rpm
This directory contains the distribution- and
architecture-specific binary RPMs. All of the distribution- and architecture-specific binary
RPMs can be downloaded with a sh(1) command sequence such
$> REPOS="http://www.openss7.org/repos/rpms"
$> DISTRO="centos"; RELEASE="5.2"; ARCH="i686"
$> wget $BASE/RPMS/$ARCH/\*.$ARCH.rpm
Tarballs and SRPMS for OpenSS7 packages are distribution independent. Therefore, the Tarballs
and SRPMS for OpenSS7 packages are also available at the following URLs:
- http://www.openss7.org/repos/tarballs/OPENSS7-GPG-KEY
This file provides the gpg(1)
key that is used to sign tarballs, source RPM packages and binary RPM packages.
- http://www.openss7.org/repos/tarballs/*.tar.(gz|bz2|lzma)
- http://www.openss7.org/repos/tarballs/*.tar.(gz|bz2|lzma).asc
This directory contains the tarballs that were used to generate
the SRPMs that are in the directory described below. When necessary, these tarballs can be
downloaded and SRPMs or binary RPMs built. Nevertheless, it is easier to rebuild SRPMs and
binary RPMs from the OpenSS7 Master Package tarball than it is from individual tarballs due to
build dependencies between tarballs. All of the tarballs can be downloaded with a sh(1) command sequence such as:
$> REPOS="http://www.openss7.org/repos"
$> wget $REPOS/tarballs/\*.tar.bz2
However, normally it is only necessary to download the OpenSS7 Master Package
tarball. See the openss7 package for download help.
- http://www.openss7.org/repos/rpms/SRPMS/*.src.rpm
This directory contains the SRPMs that were used to generate the
binary RPMs for all distributions and architectures. When necessary, these SRPMs can be
downloaded and binary RPMs built for any distribution or architecture. Nevertheless, it is
easier to rebuild binary RPMs from the OpenSS7 Master Package tarball that is from
individual SRPMs due to build dependencies between SRPMs. All of the SRPMs can be downloaded
with a sh(1) command sequence such as:
$> REPOS="http://www.openss7.org/repos/rpms"
$> wget $REPOS/SRPMS/\*.src.rpm