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X/Open Transport Interface (XTI)

Description: OpenSS7 Documentation Conformance.

The Linux Fast-STREAMS X/Open Transport Interface (XTI) or Transport Layer Interface (TLI) library is tested to OpenGroup XNS 5.2 and UNIX '98 specifications.

However, OpenSS7 does not use the OpenGroup test suites (as we cannot afford them). Anyone willing to donate OpenGroup conformance test suites, please notify us.

The OpenSS7 XTI/TLI Library is contained in the strxnet package. The package also provides a conformance test suite developed by OpenSS7. The test suite contains the 250 or so test cases listed in the table, below. The strxnet package passes all of these these test cases, in both a single a multi-threaded environment.

Test Group Test Case Test Reference Description
Sanity checks XNS-XNET/0.1:
Check test case guard timer.
(none) Checks that the test case guard timer will fire and bring down the children.
Pushing and popping the timod module XNS-XNET/1.1:
Normal push and pop sequence
(none) This test case tests the simple pushing and popping of the timod module. It ensures that pushing the module on an empty stream has no effect, while popping the module from the stream results in a T_DISCON_REQ being sent to the transport peer.
Syncrhonizing the library to a file descriptor XNS-XNET/1.2.1:
Syncrhonization after "timod" pushed --
normal operation
(none) This test case tests syncrhonization of the XTI library to a file descriptor on the test harness upon which the "timod" module has been pushed.
Syncrhonizing the library to a file descriptor XNS-XNET/1.2.2:
Syncrhonization after "timod" pushed --
closed file descriptor
(none) This test case tests synchronization of the XTI library to a file descriptor that is closed.
Syncrhonizing the library to a file descriptor XNS-XNET/1.2.3:
Synchronization after "timod" pushed --
system error
(none) This test case tests synchronization of the XTI library to a file descriptor on the test harness with a system error (ENOMEM).
Binding to an address XNS-XNET/2.1.1:
Successful bind operation
(none) This test case tests successful bind of the XTI stream.
Binding to an address XNS-XNET/2.1.2:
Unsuccessful bind operation --
TACCES error
(none) This test case test unsuccessful bind of the XTI stream.
Binding to an address XNS-XNET/2.1.3:
Unsuccessful bind operation --
(none) This test case test unsuccessful bind of the XTI stream.
Binding to an address XNS-XNET/2.1.4:
Unsuccessful bind operation --
(none) This test case test unsuccessful bind of the XTI stream.
Binding to an address XNS-XNET/2.1.5:
Unsuccessful bind operation --
(none) This test case test unsuccessful bind of the XTI stream.
Binding to an address XNS-XNET/2.1.6:
Unsuccessful bind operation --
(none) This test case test unsuccessful bind of the XTI stream.
Binding to an address XNS-XNET/2.1.7:
Unsuccessful bind operation --
(none) This test case test unsuccessful bind of the XTI stream.
Binding to an address XNS-XNET/2.1.8:
Unsuccessful bind operation --
double bind error
(none) This test case tests unsuccessful bind of the XTI stream.
Binding to an address XNS-XNET/2.2:
Successful bind and unbind operation
(none) This test case tests successful bind and unbind of the XTI stream.
Connecting to an address XNS-XNET/2.3.1:
Successful connect and disconnect operation --
immediate confirmation, synchronous mode
(none) This test case tests successful connect and disconnect of the XTI stream.
Connecting to an address XNS-XNET/2.3.2:
Successful connect and disconnect operation --
delayed confirmation, synchronous mode
(none) This test case tests successful connect and disconnect of the XTI stream.
Connecting to an address XNS-XNET/2.3.3:
Successful connect and disconnect operation --
delayed confirmation, asynchronous mode
(none) This test case tests successful connect and disconnect of the XTI stream.
Connecting to an address XNS-XNET/2.3.4:
Unsuccessful connect operation --
TACCES error
(none) This test case test unsuccessful connection of the XTI stream with a TACCES error.
Connecting to an address XNS-XNET/2.3.5:
Unsuccessful connect operation --
(none) This test case test unsuccessful connection of the XTI stream with a TADDRBUSY error.
Connecting to an address XNS-XNET/2.3.6:
Unsuccessful connect operation --
(none) This test case test unsuccessful connection of the XTI stream with a TBADADDR error.
Connecting to an address XNS-XNET/2.3.7:
Unsuccessful connect operation --
(none) This test case test unsuccessful connection of the XTI stream with a TBADOPT error.
Connecting to an address XNS-XNET/2.3.8:
Unsuccessful connect operation --
(none) This test case test unsuccessful connection of the XTI stream with a TNOTSUPPORT error.
Connecting to an address XNS-XNET/2.3.9:
Unsuccessful connect operation --
(none) This test case test unsuccessful connection of the XTI stream with a TOUTSTATE error.
Connection from an address XNS-XNET/2.4.1:
Successful connection and disconnection operation --
synchronous mode
(none) This test case tests successful incoming connection and disconnection of the XTI stream.
Connection collision XNS-XNET/2.5.1:
Incoming connection before outgoing
(none) This test case tests unsuccessful outgoing connection due to incoming connection indication on an XTI stream.
t_look response to events XNS-XNET/3.1.1:
T_CONN_IND event
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_look function to events. This test case tests the response to the T_CONN_IND TPI event.
t_look response to events XNS-XNET/3.2.1:
T_CONN_CON event
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_look function to events. This test case tests the response to the T_CONN_CON TPI event.
t_look response to events XNS-XNET/3.3.1:
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_look function to events. This test case tests the response to the T_DISCON_IND TPI event.
t_look response to events XNS-XNET/3.4.1:
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_look function to events. This test case tests the response to the T_ORDREL_IND TPI event.
t_look response to events XNS-XNET/3.4.2:
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_look function to events. This test case tests the response to the T_ORDREL_IND w/ DATA TPI event.
t_look response to events XNS-XNET/3.5.1:
T_DATA_IND event --
t_rcv used as receive function
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_look function to events. This test case tests the response to the T_DATA_IND TPI event.
t_look response to events XNS-XNET/3.5.2:
T_DATA_IND event --
t_rcvv used as receive function
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_look function to events. This test case tests the response to the T_DATA_IND TPI event.
t_look response to events XNS-XNET/3.6.1:
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_look function to events. This test case tests the response to the T_UNITDATA_IND TPI event.
t_look response to events XNS-XNET/3.7.1:
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_look function to events. This test case tests the response to the T_UDERROR_IND TPI event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.1.1:
t_accept library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_accept library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.1.2:
t_accept library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_accept library call to an asynchronous T_LISTEN event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.2.1:
t_connect library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_connect library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.2.2:
t_connect library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_connect library call to an asynchronous T_LISTEN event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.3.1:
t_listen library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_listen library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.4.1:
t_rcv library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_rcv library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.4.2:
t_rcv library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_rcv library call to an asynchronous T_ORDREL event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.4.3:
t_rcvv library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_rcvv library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.4.4:
t_rcvv library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_rcvv library call to an asynchronous T_ORDREL event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.4.5:
t_snd library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_snd library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.4.6:
t_snd library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_snd library call to an asynchronous T_ORDREL event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.4.7:
t_sndv library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_sndv library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.4.8:
t_sndv library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_sndv library call to an asynchronous T_ORDREL event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.5.1:
t_rcvconnect library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_rcvconnect library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.6.1:
t_rcvrel library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_rcvrel library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.6.2:
t_rcvreldata library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_rcvreldata library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.6.3:
t_sndrel library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_sndrel library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.6.4:
t_sndreldata library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_sndreldata library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.7.1:
t_rcvudata library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_rcvudata library call to an asynchronous T_UDERR event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.7.2:
t_rcvvudata library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_rcvvudata library call to an asynchronous T_UDERR event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.7.3:
t_sndudata library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_sndudata library call to an asynchronous T_UDERR event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.7.4:
t_sndvudata library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_sndvudata library call to an asynchronous T_UDERR event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.8.1:
t_unbind library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_unbind library call to an asynchronous T_LISTEN event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.8.2:
t_unbind library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_unbind library call to an asynchronous T_DATA event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.8.3:
t_unbind library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_unbind library call to an asynchronous T_UDERR event.
Asynchronous operation -- TLOOK response to various calls XNS-XNET/4.9.1:
t_snddis library call
(none) This test case tests the response of the t_snddis library call to an asynchronous T_DISCONNECT event.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.1:
t_accept operation
(none) This test case tests the t_accept operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.2:
t_bind operation
(none) This test case tests the t_bind operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.3:
t_close operation
(none) This test case tests the t_close operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.4:
t_connect operation
(none) This test case tests the t_connect operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.5:
t_getinfo operation
(none) This test case tests the t_getinfo operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.6:
t_getprotaddr operation
(none) This test case tests the t_getprotaddr operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.7:
t_getstate operation
(none) This test case tests the t_getstate operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.8:
t_listen operation
(none) This test case tests the t_listen operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.9:
t_look operation
(none) This test case tests the t_look operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.10:
t_optmgmt operation
(none) This test case tests the t_optmgmt operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.11:
t_rcv operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcv operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.12:
t_rcvconnect operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvconnect operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.13:
t_rcvdis operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvdis operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.14:
t_rcvrel operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvrel operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.15:
t_rcvreldata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvreldata operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.16:
t_rcvudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvudata operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.17:
t_rcvuderr operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvuderr operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.18:
t_rcvv operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvv operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.19:
t_rcvvudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvvudata operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.20:
t_snd operation
(none) This test case tests the t_snd operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.21:
t_snddis operation
(none) This test case tests the t_snddis operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.22:
t_sndrel operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndrel operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.23:
t_sndreldata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndreldata operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.24:
t_sndudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndudata operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.25:
t_sndv operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndv operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.26:
t_sndvudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndvudata operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.27:
t_sync operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sync operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a closed file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.1.28:
t_unbind operation
(none) This test case tests the t_unbind operation on a closed file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.1:
t_accept operation
(none) This test case tests the t_accept operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.2:
t_bind operation
(none) This test case tests the t_bind operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.3:
t_close operation
(none) This test case tests the t_close operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.4:
t_connect operation
(none) This test case tests the t_connect operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.5:
t_getinfo operation
(none) This test case tests the t_getinfo operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.6:
t_getprotaddr operation
(none) This test case tests the t_getprotaddr operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.7:
t_getstate operation
(none) This test case tests the t_getstate operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.8:
t_listen operation
(none) This test case tests the t_listen operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.9:
t_look operation
(none) This test case tests the t_look operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.10:
t_optmgmt operation
(none) This test case tests the t_optmgmt operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.11:
t_rcv operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcv operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.12:
t_rcvconnect operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvconnect operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.13:
t_rcvdis operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvdis operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.14:
t_rcvrel operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvrel operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.15:
t_rcvreldata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvreldata operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.16:
t_rcvudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvudata operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.17:
t_rcvuderr operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvuderr operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.18:
t_rcvv operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvv operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.19:
t_rcvvudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvvudata operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.20:
t_snd operation
(none) This test case tests the t_snd operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.21:
t_snddis operation
(none) This test case tests the t_snddis operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.22:
t_sndrel operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndrel operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.23:
t_sndreldata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndreldata operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.24:
t_sndudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndudata operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.25:
t_sndv operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndv operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.26:
t_sndvudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndvudata operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.27:
t_sync operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sync operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a non-STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.2.28:
t_unbind operation
(none) This test case tests the t_unbind operation on a non-STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.1:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_accept operation
(none) This test case tests the t_accept operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.2:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_bind operation
(none) This test case tests the t_bind operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.3:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_close operation
(none) This test case tests the t_close operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.4:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_connect operation
(none) This test case tests the t_connect operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.5:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_getinfo operation
(none) This test case tests the t_getinfo operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.6:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_getprotaddr operation
(none) This test case tests the t_getprotaddr operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.7:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_getstate operation
(none) This test case tests the t_getstate operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.8:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_listen operation
(none) This test case tests the t_listen operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.9:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_look operation
(none) This test case tests the t_look operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.10:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_optmgmt operation
(none) This test case tests the t_optmgmt operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.11:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_rcv operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcv operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.12:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_rcvconnect operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvconnect operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.13:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_rcvdis operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvdis operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.14:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_rcvrel operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvrel operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.15:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_rcvreldata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvreldata operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.16:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_rcvudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvudata operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.17:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_rcvuderr operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvuderr operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.18:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_rcvv operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvv operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.19:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_rcvvudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_rcvvudata operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.20:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_snd operation
(none) This test case tests the t_snd operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.21:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_snddis operation
(none) This test case tests the t_snddis operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.22:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_sndrel operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndrel operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.23:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_sndreldata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndreldata operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.24:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_sndudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndudata operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.25:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_sndv operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndv operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.26:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_sndvudata operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sndvudata operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.27:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_sync operation
(none) This test case tests the t_sync operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Operations on a STREAMS file descriptor XNS-XNET/5.3.28:
Without "timod" pushed --
t_unbind operation
(none) This test case tests the t_unbind operation on a STREAMS file descriptor.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.1:
t_accept library call --
TACCES error
(none) This test case tests the TACCES error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.2:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADADDR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.3:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADDATA error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.4:
t_accept library call --
TBADF error
(none) This test case tests the TBADF error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.5:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADOPT error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.6:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADSEQ error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.7:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.8:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.9:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TPROVMISMATCH error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.10:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TRESADDR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.11:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TRESQLEN error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.1.12:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TSYSERR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_accept library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.2.1:
t_bind library call --
TACCES error
(none) This test case tests the TACCES error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_bind library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.2.2:
t_bind library call --
(none) This test case tests the TADDRBUSY error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_bind library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.2.3:
t_bind library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADADDR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_bind library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.2.4:
t_bind library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOADDR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_bind library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.2.5:
t_bind library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_bind library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.2.6:
t_bind library call --
(none) This test case tests the TSYSERR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_bind library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.3.1:
t_connect library call --
TACCES error
(none) This test case tests the TACCES error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_connect library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.3.2:
t_connect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TADDRBUSY error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_connect library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.3.3:
t_connect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADADDR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_connect library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.3.4:
t_connect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADDATA error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_connect library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.3.5:
t_connect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADOPT error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_connect library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.3.6:
t_connect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_connect library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.3.7:
t_connect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_connect library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.3.8:
t_connect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TSYSERR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_connect library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.4.1:
t_optmgmt library call --
TACCES error
(none) This test case tests the TACCES error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_optmgmt library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.4.2:
t_optmgmt library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADFLAG error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_optmgmt library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.4.3:
t_optmgmt library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADOPT error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_optmgmt library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.4.4:
t_optmgmt library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_optmgmt library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.4.5:
t_optmgmt library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_optmgmt library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.4.6:
t_optmgmt library call --
(none) This test case tests the TSYSERR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_optmgmt library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.5.1:
t_snddis library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADDATA error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_snddis library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.5.2:
t_snddis library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADSEQ error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_snddis library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.5.3:
t_snddis library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_snddis library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.5.4:
t_snddis library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_snddis library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.5.5:
t_snddis library call --
(none) This test case tests the TSYSERR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_snddis library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.6.1:
t_unbind library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_unbind library call.
Valid TPI error acknowledgements for all calls XNS-XNET/6.6.2:
t_unbind library call --
(none) This test case tests the TSYSERR error acknowledgement from the TPI provider in response to the t_unbind library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.1.1:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TINDOUT error from the XTI library in response to the t_accept library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.1.2:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_accept library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.1.3:
t_accept library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_accept library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.2.1:
t_connect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_connect library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.3.1:
t_listen library call --
(none) This test case tests the TBADQLEN error from the XTI library in response to the t_listen library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.3.2:
t_listen library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_listen library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.3.3:
t_listen library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_listen library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.3.4:
t_listen library call --
TQFULL error
(none) This test case tests the TQFULL error from the XTI library in response to the t_listen library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.3.5:
t_listen library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNODATA error from the XTI library in response to the t_listen library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.4.1:
t_rcv library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNODATA error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcv library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.4.2:
t_rcv library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcv library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.4.3:
t_rcv library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcv library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.5.1:
t_rcvv library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNODATA error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvv library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.5.2:
t_rcvv library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvv library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.5.3:
t_rcvv library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvv library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.6.1:
t_rcvconnect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNODATA error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvconnect library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.6.2:
t_rcvconnect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvconnect library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.6.3:
t_rcvconnect library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvconnect library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.7.1:
t_rcvdis library call --
TNODIS error
(none) This test case tests the TNODIS error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvdis library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.7.2:
t_rcvdis library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvdis library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.7.3:
t_rcvdis library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvdis library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.8.1:
t_rcvrel library call --
TNOREL error
(none) This test case tests the TNOREL error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvrel library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.8.2:
t_rcvrel library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvrel library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.8.3:
t_rcvrel library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvrel library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.9.1:
t_rcvreldata library call --
TNOREL error
(none) This test case tests the TNOREL error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvreldata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.9.2:
t_rcvreldata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvreldata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.9.3:
t_rcvreldata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvreldata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.10.1:
t_rcvudata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNODATA error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.10.2:
t_rcvudata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.10.3:
t_rcvudata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.11.1:
t_rcvvudata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNODATA error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvvudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.11.2:
t_rcvvudata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvvudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.11.3:
t_rcvvudata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvvudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.12.1:
t_rcvuderr library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOUDERR error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvuderr library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.12.2:
t_rcvuderr library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvuderr library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.12.3:
t_rcvuderr library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_rcvuderr library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.13.1:
t_snd library call --
TFLOW error
(none) This test case tests the TFLOW error from the XTI library in response to the t_snd library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.13.2:
t_snd library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_snd library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.13.3:
t_snd library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_snd library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.14.1:
t_sndv library call --
TFLOW error
(none) This test case tests the TFLOW error from the XTI library in response to the t_sndv library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.14.2:
t_sndv library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_sndv library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.14.3:
t_sndv library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_sndv library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.15.1:
t_sndudata library call --
TFLOW error
(none) This test case tests the TFLOW error from the XTI library in response to the t_sndudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.15.2:
t_sndudata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_sndudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.15.3:
t_sndudata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_sndudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.16.1:
t_sndvudata library call --
TFLOW error
(none) This test case tests the TFLOW error from the XTI library in response to the t_sndvudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.16.2:
t_sndvudata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TNOTSUPPORT error from the XTI library in response to the t_sndvudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.16.3:
t_sndvudata library call --
(none) This test case tests the TOUTSTATE error from the XTI library in response to the t_sndvudata library call.
Error codes returned by the XTI library XNS-XNET/7.17.1:
t_sync library call --
(none) This test case tests the TSTATECHNG error from the XTI library in response to the t_sync library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.1.1:
receiving data with t_rcv --
normal data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_rcv library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.1.2:
receiving data with t_rcv --
expedited data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_rcv library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.1.3:
receiving data with t_rcv --
normal data with intermingled expedited data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_rcv library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.1.4:
receiving data with t_rcv --
normal data with intermingled expedited data -- receive buffer smaller that received data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_rcv library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.2.1:
receiving data with t_rcvv --
normal data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_rcvv library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.2.2:
receiving data with t_rcvv --
expedited data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_rcvv library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.2.3:
receiving data with t_rcvv --
normal data with intermingled expedited data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_rcvv library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.3.1:
receiving data with t_rcvudata --
within TIDU sized data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_rcvudata library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.3.2:
receiving data with t_rcvudata --
within TIDU sized data -- receive buffer smaller than received data size
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_rcvudata library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.4.1:
receiving data with t_rcvvudata --
within TIDU sized data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_rcvvudata library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.5.1:
sending data with t_snd --
normal data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_snd library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.5.2:
sending data with t_snd --
expedited data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_snd library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.5.3:
sending data with t_snd --
expedited data intermingled with normal data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_snd library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.5.4:
sending data with t_snd --
expedited data intermingled with normal data -- data larget than TIDU size
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_snd library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.6.1:
sending data with t_sndv --
normal data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_sndv library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.6.2:
sending data with t_sndv --
expedited data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_sndv library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.6.3:
sending data with t_sndv --
expedited data intermingled with normal data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_sndv library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.7.1:
sending data with t_sndudata --
within TIDU sized data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_sndudata library call.
Passing data XNS-XNET/8.8.1:
sending data with t_sndvudata --
within TIDU sized data
(none) This test case tests positive test cases for the t_sndvudata library call.
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